
标题 版本 备注
系统版本 ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish) -
内核版本 5.15.0-88-generic #98-Ubuntu SMP Mon Oct 2 15:18:56 UTC 2023 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux -
FreeRADIUS v3.0.26 -
Server Address -
Client Address -

FreeRadius 简介

FreeRADIUS 是一个开源的 RADIUS 服务器软件,它提供了认证、授权和账务功能,常用于构建企业级的网络访问控制和身份验证系统。RADIUS 是一种远程身份验证协议,用于验证用户的身份并控制他们对网络资源的访问权限。

FreeRADIUS 支持多种身份验证方法,包括基于用户名和密码的认证、基于数字证书的认证以及其他扩展的身份验证方法。它还支持多种授权策略,可以根据用户的身份、属性和访问请求的特征来控制用户的访问权限。此外,FreeRADIUS 还提供了账务功能,可以记录用户的网络使用情况和计费信息。

作为一个高度可定制和可扩展的软件,FreeRADIUS 可以与各种网络设备和服务集成,包括无线接入点、虚拟专用网络(VPN)、网络交换机、路由器等。它还支持 LDAP、MySQL、PostgreSQL 等多种数据库后端,可以方便地与现有的用户数据库进行集成。

FreeRADIUS 是一个成熟稳定的软件,被广泛应用于企业、教育机构、云服务提供商等各种网络环境中。它提供了强大的身份验证和访问控制功能,可以帮助组织保护网络资源的安全性,并实现灵活的用户管理和计费策略。

FreeRadius 部署


1.客户端和服务器都执行 apt update 命令,更新下 apt 数据:

sudo apt update -y

2.服务端安装 freeradiusfreeradius-utils 包,客户端只需安装freeradius-utils

# 服务端:
sudo apt install -y freeradius freeradius-utils

# 客户端:
sudo apt install -y freeradius-utils


默认,配置文件都在 /etc/freeradius/3.0/ 目录下


编辑 /etc/freeradius/3.0/ 目录下的 users 文件,配置测试用户,启用 steve:

# Configuration file for the rlm_files module.
# Please see rlm_files(5) manpage for more information.
# This file contains authentication security and configuration
# information for each user. Accounting requests are NOT processed
# through this file. Instead, see 'accounting', in this directory.
# The first field is the user's name and can be up to
# 253 characters in length. This is followed (on the same line) with
# the list of authentication requirements for that user. This can
# include password, comm server name, comm server port number, protocol
# type (perhaps set by the "hints" file), and huntgroup name (set by
# the "huntgroups" file).
# If you are not sure why a particular reply is being sent by the
# server, then run the server in debugging mode (radiusd -X), and
# you will see which entries in this file are matched.
# When an authentication request is received from the comm server,
# these values are tested. Only the first match is used unless the
# "Fall-Through" variable is set to "Yes".
# A special user named "DEFAULT" matches on all usernames.
# You can have several DEFAULT entries. All entries are processed
# in the order they appear in this file. The first entry that
# matches the login-request will stop processing unless you use
# the Fall-Through variable.
# Indented (with the tab character) lines following the first
# line indicate the configuration values to be passed back to
# the comm server to allow the initiation of a user session.
# This can include things like the PPP configuration values
# or the host to log the user onto.
# You can include another `users' file with `$INCLUDE users.other'

# For a list of RADIUS attributes, and links to their definitions,
# see: http://www.freeradius.org/rfc/attributes.html
# Entries below this point are examples included in the server for
# educational purposes. They may be deleted from the deployed
# configuration without impacting the operation of the server.

# Deny access for a specific user. Note that this entry MUST
# be before any other 'Auth-Type' attribute which results in the user
# being authenticated.
# Note that there is NO 'Fall-Through' attribute, so the user will not
# be given any additional resources.
#lameuser Auth-Type := Reject
# Reply-Message = "Your account has been disabled."

# Deny access for a group of users.
# Note that there is NO 'Fall-Through' attribute, so the user will not
# be given any additional resources.
#DEFAULT Group == "disabled", Auth-Type := Reject
# Reply-Message = "Your account has been disabled."

# This is a complete entry for "steve". Note that there is no Fall-Through
# entry so that no DEFAULT entry will be used, and the user will NOT
# get any attributes in addition to the ones listed here.
steve Cleartext-Password := "testing"
Service-Type = Framed-User,
Framed-Protocol = PPP,
Framed-IP-Address =, # 客户端认证后分配的IP
#Framed-IP-Address =,
Framed-IP-Netmask =,
#Framed-IP-Netmask =,
Framed-Routing = Broadcast-Listen,
Framed-Filter-Id = "std.ppp",
Framed-MTU = 1500,
Framed-Compression = Van-Jacobsen-TCP-IP

# The canonical testing user which is in most of the
# examples.
#bob Cleartext-Password := "hello"
# Reply-Message := "Hello, %{User-Name}"

# This is an entry for a user with a space in their name.
# Note the double quotes surrounding the name. If you have
# users with spaces in their names, you must also change
# the "filter_username" policy to allow spaces.
# See raddb/policy.d/filter, filter_username {} section.
#"John Doe" Cleartext-Password := "hello"
# Reply-Message = "Hello, %{User-Name}"

# Dial user back and telnet to the default host for that port
#Deg Cleartext-Password := "ge55ged"
# Service-Type = Callback-Login-User,
# Login-IP-Host =,
# Callback-Number = "9,5551212",
# Login-Service = Telnet,
# Login-TCP-Port = Telnet

# Another complete entry. After the user "dialbk" has logged in, the
# connection will be broken and the user will be dialed back after which
# he will get a connection to the host "timeshare1".
#dialbk Cleartext-Password := "callme"
# Service-Type = Callback-Login-User,
# Login-IP-Host = timeshare1,
# Login-Service = PortMaster,
# Callback-Number = "9,1-800-555-1212"

# user "swilson" will only get a static IP number if he logs in with
# a framed protocol on a terminal server in Alphen (see the huntgroups file).
# Note that by setting "Fall-Through", other attributes will be added from
# the following DEFAULT entries
#swilson Service-Type == Framed-User, Huntgroup-Name == "alphen"
# Framed-IP-Address =,
# Fall-Through = Yes

# If the user logs in as 'username.shell', then authenticate them
# using the default method, give them shell access, and stop processing
# the rest of the file.
#DEFAULT Suffix == ".shell"
# Service-Type = Login-User,
# Login-Service = Telnet,
# Login-IP-Host = your.shell.machine

# The rest of this file contains the several DEFAULT entries.
# DEFAULT entries match with all login names.
# Note that DEFAULT entries can also Fall-Through (see first entry).
# A name-value pair from a DEFAULT entry will _NEVER_ override
# an already existing name-value pair.

# Sample defaults for all framed connections.
#DEFAULT Service-Type == Framed-User
# Framed-IP-Address =,
# Framed-MTU = 576,
# Service-Type = Framed-User,
# Fall-Through = Yes

# Default for PPP: dynamic IP address, PPP mode, VJ-compression.
# NOTE: we do not use Hint = "PPP", since PPP might also be auto-detected
# by the terminal server in which case there may not be a "P" suffix.
# The terminal server sends "Framed-Protocol = PPP" for auto PPP.
DEFAULT Framed-Protocol == PPP
Framed-Protocol = PPP,
Framed-Compression = Van-Jacobson-TCP-IP

# Default for CSLIP: dynamic IP address, SLIP mode, VJ-compression.
Framed-Protocol = SLIP,
Framed-Compression = Van-Jacobson-TCP-IP

# Default for SLIP: dynamic IP address, SLIP mode.
Framed-Protocol = SLIP

# Last default: rlogin to our main server.
# Service-Type = Login-User,
# Login-Service = Rlogin,
# Login-IP-Host = shellbox.ispdomain.com

# #
# # Last default: shell on the local terminal server.
# #
# Service-Type = Administrative-User

# On no match, the user is denied access.

# You should add test accounts to the TOP of this file! #
# See the example user "bob" above. #


编辑 /etc/freeradius/3.0/ 目录下的 clients 文件,修改clent 配置,配置监听客户端IP,如下

# -*- text -*-
## clients.conf -- client configuration directives
## $Id$

# Define RADIUS clients (usually a NAS, Access Point, etc.).

# Defines a RADIUS client.
# '' is another name for 'localhost'. It is enabled by default,
# to allow testing of the server after an initial installation. If you
# are not going to be permitting RADIUS queries from localhost, we suggest
# that you delete, or comment out, this entry.

# Each client has a "short name" that is used to distinguish it from
# other clients.
# In version 1.x, the string after the word "client" was the IP
# address of the client. In 2.0, the IP address is configured via
# the "ipaddr" or "ipv6addr" fields. For compatibility, the 1.x
# format is still accepted.
#client {
#client localhost {
client { # 如果配置的是单个IP,则表示只允许指定的IP 进行认证
# Only *one* of ipaddr, ipv4addr, ipv6addr may be specified for
# a client.
# ipaddr will accept IPv4 or IPv6 addresses with optional CIDR
# notation '/<mask>' to specify ranges.
# ipaddr will accept domain names e.g. example.org resolving
# them via DNS.
# If both A and AAAA records are found, A records will be
# used in preference to AAAA.
#ipaddr =
#ipaddr =
ipaddr = # 如果配置的是单个IP,则表示只允许指定的IP 进行认证

# Same as ipaddr but allows v4 addresses only. Requires A
# record for domain names.
# ipv4addr = * # any. == localhost

# Same as ipaddr but allows v6 addresses only. Requires AAAA
# record for domain names.
# ipv6addr = :: # any. ::1 == localhost

# A note on DNS: We STRONGLY recommend using IP addresses
# rather than host names. Using host names means that the
# server will do DNS lookups when it starts, making it
# dependent on DNS. i.e. If anything goes wrong with DNS,
# the server won't start!
# The server also looks up the IP address from DNS once, and
# only once, when it starts. If the DNS record is later
# updated, the server WILL NOT see that update.

# The transport protocol.
# If unspecified, defaults to "udp", which is the traditional
# RADIUS transport. It may also be "tcp", in which case the
# server will accept connections from this client ONLY over TCP.
proto = *

# The shared secret use to "encrypt" and "sign" packets between
# the NAS and FreeRADIUS. You MUST change this secret from the
# default, otherwise it's not a secret any more!
# The secret can be any string, up to 8k characters in length.
# Control codes can be entered vi octal encoding,
# e.g. "\101\102" == "AB"
# Quotation marks can be entered by escaping them,
# e.g. "foo\"bar"
# A note on security: The security of the RADIUS protocol
# depends COMPLETELY on this secret! We recommend using a
# shared secret that is composed of:
# upper case letters
# lower case letters
# numbers
# And is at LEAST 8 characters long, preferably 16 characters in
# length. The secret MUST be random, and should not be words,
# phrase, or anything else that is recognisable.
# The default secret below is only for testing, and should
# not be used in any real environment.
secret = testing123

# Old-style clients do not send a Message-Authenticator
# in an Access-Request. RFC 5080 suggests that all clients
# SHOULD include it in an Access-Request. The configuration
# item below allows the server to require it. If a client
# is required to include a Message-Authenticator and it does
# not, then the packet will be silently discarded.
# allowed values: yes, no
require_message_authenticator = no

# The short name is used as an alias for the fully qualified
# domain name, or the IP address.
# It is accepted for compatibility with 1.x, but it is no
# longer necessary in >= 2.0
# shortname = localhost

# the following three fields are optional, but may be used by
# checkrad.pl for simultaneous use checks

# The nas_type tells 'checkrad.pl' which NAS-specific method to
# use to query the NAS for simultaneous use.
# Permitted NAS types are:
# cisco
# computone
# livingston
# juniper
# max40xx
# multitech
# netserver
# pathras
# patton
# portslave
# tc
# usrhiper
# other # for all other types

nas_type = other # localhost isn't usually a NAS...

# The following two configurations are for future use.
# The 'naspasswd' file is currently used to store the NAS
# login name and password, which is used by checkrad.pl
# when querying the NAS for simultaneous use.
# login = !root
# password = someadminpas

# As of 2.0, clients can also be tied to a virtual server.
# This is done by setting the "virtual_server" configuration
# item, as in the example below.
# virtual_server = home1

# A pointer to the "home_server_pool" OR a "home_server"
# section that contains the CoA configuration for this
# client. For an example of a coa home server or pool,
# see raddb/sites-available/originate-coa
# coa_server = coa

# Response window for proxied packets. If non-zero,
# then the lower of (home, client) response_window
# will be used.
# i.e. it can be used to lower the response_window
# packets from one client to a home server. It cannot
# be used to raise the response_window.
# response_window = 10.0

# Connection limiting for clients using "proto = tcp".
# This section is ignored for clients sending UDP traffic
limit {
# Limit the number of simultaneous TCP connections from a client
# The default is 16.
# Setting this to 0 means "no limit"
max_connections = 16

# The per-socket "max_requests" option does not exist.

# The lifetime, in seconds, of a TCP connection. After
# this lifetime, the connection will be closed.
# Setting this to 0 means "forever".
lifetime = 0

# The idle timeout, in seconds, of a TCP connection.
# If no packets have been received over the connection for
# this time, the connection will be closed.
# Setting this to 0 means "no timeout".
# We STRONGLY RECOMMEND that you set an idle timeout.
idle_timeout = 30

# IPv6 Client
client localhost_ipv6 {
ipv6addr = ::1
secret = testing123

# All IPv6 Site-local clients
#client sitelocal_ipv6 {
# ipv6addr = fe80::/16
# secret = testing123

#client example.org {
# ipaddr = radius.example.org
# secret = testing123

# You can now specify one secret for a network of clients.
# When a client request comes in, the BEST match is chosen.
# i.e. The entry from the smallest possible network.
#client private-network-1 {
# ipaddr =
# secret = testing123-1

#client private-network-2 {
# ipaddr =
# secret = testing123-2

# Per-socket client lists. The configuration entries are exactly
# the same as above, but they are nested inside of a section.
# You can have as many per-socket client lists as you have "listen"
# sections, or you can re-use a list among multiple "listen" sections.
# Un-comment this section, and edit a "listen" section to add:
# "clients = per_socket_clients". That IP address/port combination
# will then accept ONLY the clients listed in this section.
# There are additional considerations when using clients from SQL.
# A client can be link to a virtual server via modules such as SQL.
# This link is done via the following process:
# If there is no listener in a virtual server, SQL clients are added
# to the global list for that virtual server.
# If there is a listener, and the first listener does not have a
# "clients=..." configuration item, SQL clients are added to the
# global list.
# If there is a listener, and the first one does have a "clients=..."
# configuration item, SQL clients are added to that list. The client
# { ...} ` configured in that list are also added for that listener.
# The only issue is if you have multiple listeners in a virtual
# server, each with a different client list, then the SQL clients are
# added only to the first listener.
#clients per_socket_clients {
# client socket_client {
# ipaddr =
# secret = testing123
# }





执行命令 freeradius -X 动态输出连接响应日志:


执行命令 radtest steve testing 1812 testing123 ,如果有出现 Access-Accept 则表示连接成功。

root@933657fd79f0:/# radtest steve testing 1812 testing123
Sent Access-Request Id 117 from to length 75
User-Name = "steve"
User-Password = "testing"
NAS-IP-Address =
NAS-Port = 1812
Message-Authenticator = 0x00
Cleartext-Password = "testing"
Received Access-Accept Id 117 from to length 71
Service-Type = Framed-User
Framed-Protocol = PPP
Framed-IP-Address =
Framed-IP-Netmask =
Framed-Routing = Broadcast-Listen
Filter-Id = "std.ppp"
Framed-MTU = 1500
Framed-Compression = Van-Jacobson-TCP-IP

注意:如果测试过程出现类似下面的错误,则请检查服务端 clients 配置文件监听的IP 是否是客户端所在的IP或者IP段:

Ready to process requests
Ignoring request to auth address * port 1812 bound to server default from unkno2.17.0.3 port 56118 proto udp


systemctl enable --now freeradius.service
