===== 本教程更新于 2024-01-25 =====


  • 系统版本:22.04.3 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish)
  • 内核版本:5.15.0-88-generic #98-Ubuntu SMP Mon Oct 2 15:18:56 UTC 2023 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
  • v2ray 版本:v5.13.0
  • caddy 版本:v2.7.6 h1

v2ray 安装

1.点击这里下载 v2ray 到服务器的 /usr/local/src 目录下:

2.将下载下来的 v2ray 压缩文件 解压到 /usr/local/v2ray 目录:

# unzip v2ray-linux-64.zip -d /usr/local/v2ray

3.在解压目录下创建以下目录,分别用于存储 v2ray 日志,v2ray 配置文件 以及 v2ray 可执行文件:

# mkdir  /usr/local/v2ray/{conf,logs,bin}

4.将解压目录下的 config.json 文件复制到上面创建的 etc 目录中,并修改成如下样式:

// Config file of V2Ray. This file follows standard JSON format, with comments support.
// Uncomment entries below to satisfy your needs. Also read our manual for more detail at
// https://www.v2fly.org/
"log": {
// By default, V2Ray writes access log to stdout.
// "access": "/path/to/access/log/file",

// By default, V2Ray write error log to stdout.
// "error": "/path/to/error/log/file",

// Log level, one of "debug", "info", "warning", "error", "none"
"loglevel": "warning"
// List of inbound proxy configurations.
"inbounds": [{
// Port to listen on. You may need root access if the value is less than 1024.
"port": 1425,

// IP address to listen on. Change to "" to listen on all network interfaces.
"listen": "",

// Tag of the inbound proxy. May be used for routing.
"tag": "socks-inbound",

// Protocol name of inbound proxy.
"protocol": "vmess",

// Settings of the protocol. Varies based on protocol.
"settings": {
"clients": [
"id": "b5e88c22-13d4-11ee-9783-3d06e4916c03",
// "level": 1,
"alterId": 0
"streamSettings": {
"network": "ws",
"wsSettings": {
"path": "/data/website/v2ray"
// List of outbound proxy configurations.
"outbounds": [{
// Protocol name of the outbound proxy.
"protocol": "freedom",

// Settings of the protocol. Varies based on protocol.
"settings": {},

// Tag of the outbound. May be used for routing.
"tag": "direct"
"protocol": "blackhole",
"settings": {},
"tag": "blocked"

// Transport is for global transport settings. If you have multiple transports with same settings
// (say mKCP), you may put it here, instead of in each individual inbound/outbounds.
//"transport": {},

// Routing controls how traffic from inbounds are sent to outbounds.
"routing": {
// "domainStrategy": "IPOnDemand",
// Blocks access to private IPs. Remove this if you want to access your router.
"type": "field",
// "ip": ["geoip:private"],
"ip": [
"outboundTag": "blocked"
// {
// // Blocks major ads.
// "type": "field",
// "domain": ["geosite:category-ads"],
// "outboundTag": "blocked"
// }

// Dns settings for domain resolution.
// "dns": {
// // Static hosts, similar to hosts file.
// "hosts": {
// // Match v2fly.org to another domain on CloudFlare. This domain will be used when querying IPs for v2fly.org.
// "domain:v2fly.org": "www.vicemc.net",

// // The following settings help to eliminate DNS poisoning in mainland China.
// // It is safe to comment these out if this is not the case for you.
// "domain:github.io": "pages.github.com",
// "domain:wikipedia.org": "www.wikimedia.org",
// "domain:shadowsocks.org": "electronicsrealm.com"
// },
// "servers": [
// "",
// {
// "address": "",
// "port": 53,
// // List of domains that use this DNS first.
// "domains": [
// "geosite:cn"
// ]
// },
// "",
// "localhost"
// ]
// },

// // Policy controls some internal behavior of how V2Ray handles connections.
// // It may be on connection level by user levels in 'levels', or global settings in 'system.'
// "policy": {
// // Connection policys by user levels
// "levels": {
// "0": {
// "uplinkOnly": 0,
// "downlinkOnly": 0
// }
// },
// "system": {
// "statsInboundUplink": false,
// "statsInboundDownlink": false,
// "statsOutboundUplink": false,
// "statsOutboundDownlink": false
// }
// },

// // Stats enables internal stats counter.
// // This setting can be used together with Policy and Api.
// //"stats":{},

// // Api enables gRPC APIs for external programs to communicate with V2Ray instance.
// //"api": {
// //"tag": "api",
// //"services": [
// // "HandlerService",
// // "LoggerService",
// // "StatsService"
// //]
// //},

// // You may add other entries to the configuration, but they will not be recognized by V2Ray.
// "other": {}

注意:由于我们使用的 v2ray 版本为 5.3 ,所以系统内核一定要大于 5.10, 否则在使用 v2ray 时会报如下错误:

You can still disable this security feature with environment variable v2ray.vmess.aead.forced = false

这是官方 Issues 解决方法:使用v2ray无法上网,提示安全问题

说得简单点就是,在 config.json 配置文件中要删除 "level": 1 且需要将 "alterId": 64 修改成 "alterId": 0

5.在 /lib/systemd/system/ 目录下创建 v2ray.service 文件,并写入以下内容:

Description=V2Ray Service
After=network.target nss-lookup.target

ExecStart=/usr/local/v2ray/bin/v2ray run -config /usr/local/v2ray/etc/config.json



# systemctl daemon-reload

7.执行启动脚本的命令,并将 v2ray 设置为开机启动:

# systemctl enable --now v2ray.service

caddy 安装

1.创建运行 caddy 的用户,切记一定要创建该用户的家目录(因为后面 caddy 自动申请证书时需要将证书文件存放到家目录下):

# useradd -m -s /sbin/nologin caddy

2.创建caddy 应用结构目录:

# mkdir -p /usr/local/caddy/{logs, etc, bin}

3.点击这里下载 caddy 到上面创建的 /usr/local/caddy/bin 目录中

4.下载完成后,重命名 caddy 文件:

# mv /usr/local/caddy/bin/caddy_linux_amd64 /usr/local/caddy/bin/caddy

5.在 /usr/local/caddy/etc 目录下创建 Caddyfile 文件,内容为:

your.daemon.com:443 {
# 网站路径,不清楚中间的 * 作用
#root * /data/website/india/

# 启用压缩
#encode zstd gzip

# 设置当前目录为静态文件服务器
#file_server browse

# 定义 log
log {
output file /usr/local/caddy/logs/caddy.log

# 注意这里的反向代理路径要和 v2ray 配置文件中的 path 一致,同时,后面反向代理的端口也要和 v2ray 配置文件中的 port 一致:
reverse_proxy /data/website/v2ray

# 自动申请TLS 的邮箱,好像在这个版本也可以不用写
tls caddy@caddy.com
tls {
protocols tls1.2 tls1.3

# 启用HSTS
header {
#Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000;"

# 加上includeSubdomains
Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload"

X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN
X-Content-Type-Options nosniff


6.根据配置文件内容,在 /usr/local/caddy/logs 目录下创建 caddy.log 文件:

# touch /usr/local/caddy/logs/caddy.log

7.在 /lib/systemd/system 目录下创建 caddy 启动脚本文件 caddy2.service, 内容为:


ExecStart=/usr/local/caddy/bin/caddy run --environ --config /usr/local/caddy/etc/Caddyfile
ExecReload=/usr/local/caddy/bin/caddy --config /usr/local/caddy/etc/Caddyfile



# systemctl daemon-reload

9.修改 caddy 目录的所属主和组为 caddy:

# chown -R caddy:caddy /usr/local/caddy

10.启动 caddy 并设置开机启动:

# systemctl enable --now caddy2.service